Static Sites and Going Serverless

As a teacher of intro-level web design and front-end development courses, I have always enjoyed the simplicity of static web sites and how the primary three web technologies of HTML, CSS, and JS have persisted throughout the years. As a freelancer, most of my clients require some sort of backend functionality, such as a CMS, a contact form, or more complex systems like custom generated reports or custom web apps. As a front-end designer with little backend experience, WordPress (and it’s many plugins) has been my goto solution, but lately I have been considering other options—namely embracing third-party API’s and services that work well with static sites.

There are several different-but-related terms and over-lapping technologies that share many similarities in this area, here’s a list of a few:

  • Going “server-less” (e.g.
  • Embracing the JAMstack
  • Using Third-party API’s (e.g. forms, authentication, payment processing, notifications, search, etc.)
  • Using a Static Site Generator (SSG) (e.g. Jekyll)
  • Static site hosting (e.g. Netlify, Github Pages)
  • Going “headless” (using a Headless CMS and disconnecting the front-end from the backend)
  • Digesting JSON
  • Using Cloud Services (e.g. Firebase, AWS, cloud databases, cloud functions, etc.) to create serverless web applications (with CRUD functionality)
  • Managing state (e.g. using React, Vue, Angular, etc.)
  • Going offline (e.g. creating a PWA)

Learning Resources

Static Site Generators (SSG’s)

Curated lists of SSG’s (sites that track SSG’s):

Below is a short personal list of notable SSG’s that I’d like to learn more about and do more hands-on tests with:

Personal Tests

Found Examples, Demos, &  More

Future next steps:

  • Look into Create React app (need to add link)
  • Check out Gatsby and do a hello-world with a headless WP setup


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  1. […] Static Sites and Going Serverless by Chris […]